My Activity Tracking
My target 150 kms
I'm fundraising for...
I’m fundraising to help Make 2nds Count raise vital funds. With these funds they can continue to raise awareness of this incurable disease, fund research to find a cure and support all those affected by Secondary Breast Cancer.
I have set myself the challenge of walking 5km a day in the month of March, a total of 155 kms .
At the moment I am on my third line of treatment, which is an oral chemo, 14 days on and 7 days off. The main side effect is the innocuous sounding ‘hand and foot syndrome’, which actually is really debilitating and the reason why this will be a real challenge for me. It still seems such an anomaly to me that the treatments for breast cancer are so harsh and many patients (me included) have few symptoms, yet feel battered by the medication.
I have a scan on the 8th March which will see if this treatment is working – keep everything crossed! If this is not successful, then I hope to go on another clinical trial, that is so important not only for the participants but also for the future of secondary breast cancer care.
Secondary breast cancer is an incurable disease and that is why it is so important to me that Make 2nds Count are there to raise awareness, support patients and fund research to find a cure.
My Updates

Thursday 8th Apr
Well, thats March over and what a month it has been.
I have walked 268 km - how did that ever happen?
I have raised nearly £1,000 for Make 2nds Count which is all thanks to you amazing people.
A great big thank you to my wonderful friends who have joined me on my walks - your pictures are all here !!
Since being taken off the last drug, I have felt so much better, a strange mixture of major disappointment that it didn’t work and sheer elation that now I can go out and walk painlessly, play tennis, dance (if I want to!) and use my hands !!
I was very scared about the side effects of the next drug, but one week in so far so good. One of the main side effects of this treatment is high blood sugar so I am now on a low carb/low sugar diet - no chocolate !!
This is only available as a standard medication in the USA, and is the first and only treatment so far specifically for patients with a PIK3CA mutation ( yep I’ve got this!!). It was only approved for use in May 2019 and is still not available on the NHS.
The average length of time this drug is effective is 11 months and this is why new treatments discovered by research and clinical trials are needed to try and keep one step ahead of the cancer.
Please don’t forget to keep body aware and if you have any worries go and see your GP.

Its a 3 month rollercoaster
Sunday 14th Mar
Sorry not to have updated lately, but it’s been a bit of a week...
I have been walking and just about managed my 5k a day.
I have also been thinking about how to write this as normally I wouldn’t be sharing this news on social media.
Most SBC patients live from scan to scan which are generally 3 months apart. We mostly don't know if the treatment is working until the results are in – my latest scan results showed a ‘mixed response’, so with that and the fact I was experiencing really bad side effects will mean that I will stop this treatment.
Very obviously this is not the news I was wanting to hear, every change of medication means less time, there are only so many lines of treatment and not one of them is cure.
But this is the reason why charities like Make 2nds Count are there to raise awareness of secondary breast cancer and to raise funds to help find treatments that will give each of us more time.
31 people die every day from breast cancer, that is 434 men and women who have died since I started this challenge. I do not want to be in these statistics any time soon.

Early morning walk
Saturday 6th Mar Lovely early morning walk in Stratford upon Avon. Target reached by 9.00am, don’t think that will happen too often!!!
Thank you
Thursday 4th Mar Wow, I am so grateful to everyone who has donated.
Did you know?
Wednesday 3rd Mar Breast Cancer is a leading cause of death in women UNDER 50 in the U.K.
So far so good !
Wednesday 3rd Mar
Thank you to my Sponsors

L Benson


Heather And Gteg
You are just amazing and an inspiration

Richard Holmes
Go girl xxx

Louise Brewer

Thinking of you, Pam xx

Rachel Clark
Looking forward to our next walk xxx

You are amazing! xx

Naomi Webb
Love you Pam, hope Benj has done a good job keeping you company on those walks! xxx

Jessica Diamandis And Family
Lots of love Pam, will be praying for progress in the right direction xx

Angharad Pearce
Let’s get walking my friend!

Tracy Taylor
Praying that the treatment works and that you have good news . Lots of love Pam xx

Joanne Poole
You are just blooming awesome! & so are your beautiful family!

Helen Harsant
Good luck my friend. You’ll smash it.

Caroline King
Thank you for highlighting this important topic, it’s so important that fight for change in the treatment of this disease. Good luck on March 8th and with the walking too. Great start!

Beck Fraser
Good luck lovely xx

Eunice Taylor
Great idea. Every moment counts and should be enjoyed x

Pamela I am sure you will smash it. You are very inspiring. Love you 😍

Allison Whitelaw
You are incredible Pam, well done ! Good luck keeping off the chocolate x

Aline Campbell
Well done Pam, you’re an inspiration x

Chamberlain Family
Watching (but not in a creepy way...!) you go out in all weathers and we're in awe, well done. x

Rachel Saltmarsh
I hope and pray from the bottom of my heart that your treatment works and you finally have some good news on 8th March. Sending you lots and lots of love xxx

Mrs Rebecca L Mander
You've got this Pam and any time you want a walking partner, you've got my number

Sam & Kevin Frosdick
Pamela, fingers crossed for your treatment to work.You realy are a huge inspiration and always remain positive. Good luck with the steps, I'll will get out everyday to virtually walk with you. We both can't wait to see you as soon as we can,love you loads xxxx

Helen Madsen
Thinking of you. X

Go girl!! Sending lots of love xxx

Helen Rote
You are amazing 🤩 xxx

Mel Geldard

Sue Marland
Thank you Pam for raising awareness of this cruel secondary disease. You've got this superwoman and will smash it. Good luck on the 8th March. I will have everything crossed for you xx

Kate Johnson
good luck pam your bloody awesome xx

Jane Bartlett

Paula Holmes
Good Luck Pamela!

Sandra Clarke
Well done Pam we know your struggling with treatment so this challenge is not easy Thinking of you

Caroline Pickering
An exceptional lady I've had the pleasure to spend time with. Go girl 💕

Pamela Clarke

Pam would love to walk with you if you want company? You know me no pressure at all and actually virtually no notice!! Xx

So inspiring! xx

Stacey Pahl
‘The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it.’ Sending so much love and positivity to you Pam. Xx

Liz Harding
Such a cruel world we live in Pam. Sending all my love - you are an inspiration to many! Well done for smashing this challenge xxx

Laura Roberts
You're doing amazing!
You make 2nds count. Love XX