My Updates

Back to School
Thursday 18th Mar

Travis at Cammo
Tuesday 9th Mar

Day one!
Monday 1st Mar
Thank you to my Sponsors

Mum And Dad Marnie And Ted

Kate Thompson
So impressed Fin! Well done. Lots of love auntie Kate, Uncle Alan, Alex and Charlie xxx

Uncle Annie And Aunty Guy
Whoop whoop go Finlay!! Super proud aunty over here 🙌🙌🙌

Papa & Róisín Faichney
Well done Finlay! We are very proud of you! XX

The Dey Family X
Well done Finlay!!! You are a superstar!!!!

Ursula Ojikutu
Brilliant work Fin! What a great achievement, well done! Lots of love, Ursula, Oliver & Tilly xxx

Gordon Hood
Well done Fin, keep it up!

Margaret Lamb
Well done Finlay

The Skene Family
Well done Fin! Great cause and we are very impressed by your commitment! Love Jen, Uncle Ross (!!!), Ada & Nell XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Gran And Papa Thompson
Go Finlay! Love youxxxx

Angus Cavin
Go Finlay! Well done!

Great Auntie Rowena And Great Uncle Charlie!! Morris-denholm
We think you are amazing 🤩. Such an important cause. Brill👏👏👏👏. The 4 M-D’s

Kirsty Riddell
Well done Finlay - keep going!

Felicity Denholm
Super proud Fin! Go Fin Go!! Xxx

Evelyn & Brodie Ker
You’ll smash it Fin!! : ) Good luck x

Ged & Carol
Go Fin! Such a great effort. Amazing job !

The Smiths
You’re a Superstar Fin 🤩 Good luck from Nathan, Caleb, Nicola and Neil x

Niamh Stepehnson

Pat Johnson
Amazing Finlay .Well done .XxPat n Terry

Ness, Jamie, Sam & Kit X
Good work Finlay!! Super proud of you and we can’t wait to see you soon.

Aunty Lou
So super proud of you Fin-bot!! You’ve already passed your target👏👏👏 Well done dude!

Jacinta Negri
Well Done Finlay, you’re doing brilliantly for a great cause.

Jo & Charlie
Awesome work Finlay!! 🥾👏👊

Well done Finlay for this great effort. You are a super role model. Fenella x

P Dani
Well done Fin!

Emma Preston
Great work Finlay! From Fraser. x

Matthew Goodbrand
Well done Finlay - excellent cause!

Ruby Forrest
Go Finlay! From Ruby & Flint 🤩

The Rycrofts
Go Finlay!

James And The Forrests X
Smashed your target already! Awesome well done xx

Good luck!

Esah And Sobia
Good Luck Fin! From Esah and Sobia! :)

Danny & Alex Geard
Well done Finlay for making a difference! Good luck and enjoy reaching all those kilometres!! From Alex and Danny

Jenny Douglas
Well Done Finlay!! Keep up the awesome work 🤩

Harrison Ross
keep it going!

Keep going Finlay. Well done, from Baxter
Well done sweetheart we are so proud!