My Updates

Goal update #7
Friday 19th Mar Day 19. I can’t believe how near to £2000 I am! Thank you so so much to everyone who has donated! Some days have been really hard and on those days I’ve went on the treadmill at home a few minutes at a time until I reached 2k. On good days like today I’ve really enjoyed the walking. It certainly helps when the sun is shining! Share
Goal update #6
Saturday 13th MarI thought I’d do a wee update since we are almost 1/2 way through the month. When I started this challenge I was on weekly chemo and had hoped to stay on chemo for a couple of years (or more) as others had managed to. Unfortunately after only 22 weeks the chemo did all it could do and I had to start a different treatment just yesterday. Having to start a new treatment is a big deal for someone with secondary breast cancer as the treatment options aren’t infinite and another of my treatment options has been ticked off.
Research into secondary breast cancer is underfunded. Make 2nds Count’s mission is to fund secondary breast cancer research which contributes to advancing an increased quality of life for patients.
Any donations are much appreciated, every little helps. Thanks again to all those who have already donated 💙
Goal update #5
Friday 5th Mar Well we totally smashed through another goal! Thank you so much! I was going to update it to £1500 but I’m so close to that I’ll go for £1600 🙈
Goal update #4
Monday 1st Mar Day 1 today and again I’ve gone way past my last goal! I’m over the moon at reaching and totally smashing the £1000 target set. Unbelievable! 😀 Thank you so much to everyone who has donated it really makes me determined to do this as I don’t want to let anyone down. I went for a downhill walk today so it was a bit easier on me but I still found it difficult especially near the end. 1 of 31 days done!
Goal update #3
Friday 26th Feb Over £800 in the first day of fundraising!! I can barely keep up with notifications and I’m totally overwhelmed at the support and generosity of not only my family and friends but friends of theirs too, some I don’t even know! I’m so so humbled by this. I’ve changed my target again to £1000. If I could reach this that would be amazing! I never thought I’d raise as much as I have already and I haven’t even done anything yet! Thank you all so much. It’s really putting fire in my belly and I will do this knowing how much support I have behind me. Thank you all so much xxx. Share
Goal update #2
Thursday 25th Feb I’m absolutely blown away at the donations coming in the first 24 hours! ! Thank you so much everyone I really appreciate it so much. Can’t believe I’m having to change the target again on only the first day! You are all awesome! I’ll be honest I’m worried I’ve bit off more than I can chew but I’ll have to do it now lol! Roll on Monday to get started. It’s all for such an amazing charity & good cause. Thank you so much to everyone who has made this amazing total possible so far. Much love xxxx Share
Goal Update #1
Thursday 25th Feb Well in less than 8 hours I’ve smashed my first target of £200 and I’m almost at £300 already! I’m totally overwhelmed. Thank you so much to all those who’ve donated so far. I appreciate it so much! I’m feeling a bit wary but no going back now! Share
My Story
Thursday 25th Feb I was diagnosed with primary breast cancer in March 2012. In February 2017, just short of my ‘5 years cancer free’ milestone I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer. I have been on treatment since then and will be for the rest of my life. Some of the well known mainstream charities put very little funding into secondary research, yet 1 in 3 who have a primary diagnosis WILL end up with a secondary diagnosis. Please look at where your hard earned money actually goes when you donate to a charity. 31 people die every day in the UK from secondary breast cancer. We need more research into this and fast. I appreciate there are a lot of fundraisers out there and you can’t donate to everyone but please consider helping this charity. Every little helps. Thank you so much for reading my post xx ShareThank you to my Sponsors

Julie Terrey

Gaynor Ross
YOU amaze me. I’m so fortunate for the lessons you continue to teach me and for the strength you remind us is in us all. Here’s to the MANY “K’s” ahead!

Good luck, if you managed Ben Lomond in the snow, you can do this!

Allan Clarke
To my amazing, inspirational wife. You’re doing great. Love you Allan xxx

Elaine Dempsey
Well done Angela xxx

Brenda Devlin
Hi Angela tried to donate its saying my postcode isn't right brenda

Kenny Dougan
Are you sure!!!!!!!

Well done Angela, you should be very proud. Xx

Joan Summers

Megan Campbell Campbell
Woooooo good luck, Skinny legend 😜 love you loads 💜

Jackie Mcmaster
You are such a star 🌟

Lauren Porteous

Sheila Welsh
Go you wee hen, you’re a star xx

Ste & Lynne
Good luck X

Huncle John

Amanda Eggleton
Fantastic achievement. Lots of love Amanda and Glenn. Xxx

Terry Anderson
Good luck Angela. You're a champ!

Jasmine & Daniella X
You can do it ❤️xxxx

Alexandra Williamson
Well done Angela xx

The Laffs Xx
Good luck Angela Like everything else you out your mind to you will smash this xx

Chantelle Bryce
Go Angela!! You’ll smash it xx

Janice Donnachie
Go girl 🥰

Moira Dougan
Well done x

Catherine And Alan
Good Luck and Well Done!

Margaret Douglas
Your doing great Angela, great cause. Well done x

Hugh Miller

Kathleen Mc Ghee
Go for it. This couch potato will be willing you on.

Elvira Brown
One in a million keep fighting Angela 💓💓

Elizabeth Dougan

Karen J
Good luck, wishing you every success in meeting your goals, go girl! X

Your a total badass! You got this!

Mum & Gotdon
You can do it ❤️

Stephen Summers
Go on Angela xx

Aimee Sanderson
Good luck Angela xx

Veronica Swan O'donnell
Happy mother's day Angela 💕💕💕💕 x

David Fisher

Ali Xx
Wee bundle of inspiration ❤️

Veronica Swan Odonnell
Hi Angela hope you get to your target love Veronica xxxx

Jack Orr

That’s my girl, just do your best Angela ❤️ And all for great much needed charity 😊 proud of you xxx

Donna Barr
What a girl 💞 truly inspirational ❤️😘

Alastair Dougan
Good luck Angela, we are sure you can do it. Love Ali & Jean xx


Jemma & Keira

Stephen Mcgarva

Jenni Munro


Eleanor M From Gabbies
Angela , what an inspiration you are. Look forward to the updates.

Angela Clarke

You are one amazing lady x

Elspeth Ross

Lindsey Taylor
Good Luck Angela You can do this!! xx

Carol Roxburgh
Very deserving cause. Thought I’d give a wee bit extra to help you reach your target

Catriona G
Way to go, Angela, great challenge

Pauline Sinclair
What an achievement love Pauline xx

Well Done Elaine

Sheena W
Good luck Angela 💕xx

Good luck Susan

Good luck! What a star! Xx

Sandra D

Auntie Betty
From Auntie Betty - good luck xx

Joan Green
Such am amazing lady ❤ total respect for every step you take 👏 good luck x

All my love 💕

Rachel Neill

Nicola Anderson
Good luck Angela🌟❤️xx

Abigaik Q


Ron Vickers

Victoria Hodge

Aimee Regan

Stuart And Yvonne
Massive good luck and well done sending you all our love and support ❤️

Andrew Williamson
Your smashing it Angie ! Keep it up ❤️

Irene Vickers
You are amazing Angela and will do this no problem lots if love Irene

Joanna Gavin

Megan Kelly

Jennifer Jones

Ellen Donnelly
You are such an inspiration Angela, you go girl 💖

Vira Brown
Send my ❤️well done x

Dad & Grace
Good luck xxx

Emma Holsgrove
Well done Angela you are such an inspiration xx 💕

Eileen Duffy
Well done Angela .

Molly Mcgarva
Sorry it’s late!!!! Super proud of you, love you millions ❤️

Karen Ferguson
You rock girl!

Eileen Harper
You've done amazingly well, Angela. A big effort on your part and a fabulous sum raised! Well done! xx

Paula Boag
You can do it!!

Tracey Mcbrearty-ryder
Well done Ang love Tracey Mcb

Julie Simpson
Good luck and take it easy x

Janice Mcfadyen

Michelle Nairn

Super proud of you ❤️

Gemma Shields

Go Angela. If you need a walking partner any day let me know. X


Diane Williams
You go girl..... you got this xx

Alison Tait
Go you! 💗

Heather Kinnon

Lorraine Sheridan

Lynn Mcewan
Well done Angela... fantastic achievement xx ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Go girl. You’ve got this. xx

Jill Hanmore
You go girl !!!! You are such a trooper . Absolute inspiration to us all . Xx

Eva Murray

Louise Mcshane
You go girl. X

Marie Gray

Keep up good work huni. Proud of you xxx

Happy walking Angela xx

Julie Terrey
You’re such an amazing inspirational woman Angela. What a challenge you’ve set yourself, for such a good cause. Smashed your goal and still donations are still flooding in and that’s all down to your shear determination. You should be so proud of your achievement ! Xx

Margaret Duncan
Best wishes Angela x

Lorraine Thomson

Yvonne And Sam Wing
Good luck. X


Nicola Moon
Showing us all how to ‘walk the walk’ quite literally. Amazing. Rooting for you xxx

Margaret Jenkins
Good luck with your targets , You are an amazing woman 💖💖💖

Lynn Brooks
So impressed you’re doing this lovely lady

Lisa Dougan
Go and smash it! Good luck 🍀 Love Craig, Lisa, Ella & Jacob Xx

Sandra Lepick
Welk done Angela xx

John Gourlay

Victoria Jackson
Good luck Angela❤️

Jacqueline Carson

Amy Donnelly

Elaine Henderson
Good luck Angela xx

Lynne Mcgowan
Good luck Angela

Keep being amazing Angela 💕 a positive attitude and a huge inspiration. Lots of love, Carly,Jamie&Maddison x x x x

Your doing great girl I’m so proud of you. Your bloody amazing. Love you loads ❤️Xxx

Alison Conway
Go girl. Xx

Kate Robertson

Alan Duckworth
Hope you're ok Ang x

Harry Tosh

Ailie Edgar

You'll nail it Angela 🥰

Jacqueline Cheevers
Well done Angela! You're amazing! x

Good luck beautiful

Ellen Ross

Nicole Mclean
U got this x

Liz Peacock
Good luck Angela Well done ❤️

Emmy Muir ??
You’ve got this!!

Carol R.

Lynne Archdeacon
Gd luck Angela you are amazing xx

Jill Aikman
Good luck Angela. You can do this! Xx

Heather Blair

Nicole Gault
Good Luck Angela, fantastic cause 💓

Ellie O’donnell
Keep being you your amazing!!!